
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Single Clove Garlic Cultivation


  1. single head of garlic causes 
        1.1 kinds of garlic improper selection 
        1.2 barren soils 
        1.3 Sowing inappropriate 
        1.4 densities is too large 
        1.5 poor management 

    2. single head of garlic Prevention 

        2.1 Selection of high quality garlic seeding 
        2.2 fertility 
        2.3 Strict sowing 
        2.4 rational close planting 
        2.5 to strengthen management 

A ) single head of garlic causes 

1.1 Kinds of garlic improper selection 

Planted garlic should first choose the appropriate varieties of garlic grown in the region, a large species of garlic should have garlic, garlic fat, and obviously every Garlic split 4 to 8 constitute a garlic. If the selection of garlic small clove garlic thin seed after sowing, seedling growth is weak, poor absorption of fat, seriously affecting Diplectanum split, easy to form a single head of garlic. According to the 1999 survey, spring small flap of the single head of garlic rate of 50% to 60%, while the large flap garlic head alone was only 5% to 8%. 

1.2 Barren soil 

Barren soil or even crop planted garlic ground by the impact of soil and fertilizer shortage, resulting in weak seedlings, Diplectanum poor development can not split from single head of garlic. According to the survey, spring garlic 667 m2 base fertilizer chicken manure 1000kg, reviving after bolting urea 10kg, single head of only 5% to 10%, no single head of fertilization rate of 50% to 60%. 

1.3 Sowing inappropriate 

Garlic is Diplectanum on the formation of axillary bud development, as well as by temperature, light, nutrients, and many other effects, thus sowing too early or too late, will affect the growth and development of garlic. If the spring before planting to not nine as well, too late will result in high single head of garlic. Practice shows that the spring equinox garlic in 5 to 7 days before the holiday single head of planting rate of 10% to 15%, while the Equinox Festival 5 to 7 days cultivation, single head rate of 20% to 30%. 

1.4 Density is too large 

Farmers planting planting garlic always want to save points of land, or that can increase the density of high-yield, but the density of the individual havoc area attributable to the emergence of strains of garlic per unit area on the phenomenon of competition for nutrients, resulting in lack of fertilizer and space constraints the formation of single head of garlic. 667 m2 3.5 to 40,000 species, single head was 30% to 40%, while growing 2.5 to 30,000, single head was only 8% to 10%. 

1.5 Poor management 

Garlic adaptability, but in the growth process of the environmental conditions, nutrients, moisture, are very sensitive, often due to fertilizer management processes, worms and weeds cause adverse appear Diplectanum individual growth buds or individuals can not easily point formed through enlargement single head. 

2 single head of garlic Prevention 

2.1 High quality garlic seeding 

Nongyan said, "Good grow good seedlings, good seedling production." So planted garlic should first determine the purpose of production, such as the production of planting garlic should be selected for the main purpose of garlic large, split obvious fat garlic white garlic for the species. As for the production of garlic Garlic should be a good choice, petal purple garlic as a kind of fertilizer, which can not mess with the kind of seed garlic. 

2.3 Fertility 

Should not use continuous cropping planting garlic, garlic to require deep plowing tillage, organic manure and phosphorus and potassium. 667 m2 1500 ~ 2000kg manure should be applied as base fertilizer, increase of P 30 ~ 50kg, potash 15 ~ 20kg. 

2.4 Strict sowing 
Suitable swelling garlic bulb temperature of 20 ~ 25 , higher than 26 garlic into sleep, sunshine hours than 13h, although new leaves can continue to divide, but can not form a bud scales on the disc, so the garlic must be planted because of the ground, due to strict sowing seed. Production, farmers often said: "Mid-Autumn Festival is not at home, the Dragon Boat Festival is not in place," spring planting garlic saying "Spring garlic not nine, the nine long single head." Clear that the autumn equinox festival garlic should be planted to dew, spring planting garlic 5cm deep in the soil should begin to thaw, and within nine or about mid-March before sowing. 

2.5 Close planting 

Close planting garlic beneficial overall and individual growth. General arrangement of white garlic density row spacing 16cm × 10cm, total more than 25% higher than the control, large garlic, garlic fertilizer. The red garlic arrangement row spacing of 10cm × 8cm. 

2.6 Strengthen management 

Garlic throughout the growth cycle is divided into germination, seedling, bud scales differentiation, bud scales enlargement period, dormant period. Each ring should seize the growing season, but the enlargement of bud scales is the focus of management, the need to strengthen the fertilizer supply, 667 m2 recovery of urea 10 ~ 15kg, every 3 to 5 days pouring of water, keeping the surface quit, this period foliar sprays also added phosphorus and potassium dihydrogen phosphate 600 times. Autumn autumn garlic management needs to do before winter cover firewood and other things, opened cover timely arrival of spring, turning green water pouring good. Enter cultivator should be strengthened in mid-March, in order to facilitate moisture increase in temperature while spraying 1000 times Rogor prevention to maggots.


Garlic is just magnificent and phenomenal. I am providing few of the basics known and reliable home remedies for some specific ailments, which you could try at your home .If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. A suggested dose would be two or three cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day.
We all face horrid acne, blemishes, blackheads during our teens. If you want to reduce it, or if you just want to glow up your skin, then take two cloves of raw garlic regularly with warm water early in the morning. It works as a blood cleanser and clean your system internally. Do not eat chocolates, spicy or oily food during this treatment and rinse your face five times a day with cold water. Drinks lots of water daily to flush off toxic waste from the blood and urinate whenever you feel that your bladder is full .Else, apply a cut clove gently on the affected area only if you have no sensitivity to it.
If you have High Cholesterol Level, use garlic in your food. This is the better way for heart patients to reduce their cholesterol level. Modern medical science suggests one reason that garlic might reduce cholesterol , i.e. "Garlic is a proven anti-oxidant". This property might help to prevent LDL (Low Density Lipo Protein) from being oxidized. In this way the cholesterol build-up that clogs the arteries could perhaps be reduced by garlic.
If you are very fat and want to loose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about three months. Avoid using starchy foods and fats. Do exercise regularly. You'll amazingly fell a great change in your body.
If you have Wrinkles, and you want to use anti ageing cream, it would be better to use 3 cloves of garlic regularly as it has a powerful antioxidant effect, which help to protect the body against damaging "Free Radicals". Remember, out skin is made up of collagen and it looses elasticity on yearly basis. Therefore, use garlic and do exercise regularly for the positive results.
If you have Earache, put two or three drops of warm garlic oil in the ears.
Take garlic to boosts the weight of babies in the womb. Thus, when they are born, they are heavier than they would have been if you hadn't taken garlic. Some babies are born too small, so garlic is a definite boon in these cases too.
Use two raw garlic daily to reduce the risk of cancer, due to its Anti-Carcinogenic properties. It helps prevent cancerous compounds from forming and developing into tumors. It also inhibits the growth of tumors.
If any insect bites you at the seaside, you just crush the garlic and apply it to the affected area to reduce pain and to remove poison.

HOW TO TAKE GARLIC:           
Crush two or three small cloves of raw garlic and eat it raw or boiled, before going to sleep. You can have it with a glass of milk or with water. Please do not take more than two or three raw cloves of garlic per day as it might makes your blood thinner and might cause serious ailments.

Do not consume more than three to four raw cloves of garlic a day.
Patients having heart and other problems should take medical advice before consuming it.
It's best to avoid garlic before any surgery because it could probably disturb Anticoagulants.
If you are on any medication, always check with your doctor first before taking raw garlic.
Asthma patients should not use it as it worsens the symptoms of Asthma.
If you have sensitive skin, I recommend not using physically on the affected area. Raw garlic can burn delicate skin! Do not use directly on skin if your skin is sensitive or susceptible to rashes or other skin reactions without consulting your doctor first. People who are or may be allergic to garlic or any of its sulfur compounds shouldn't try direct garlic application on skin too.

Although, garlic is a natural Anti-biotic but a very small number of people have been known to exhibit Hypersensitivity to garlic. Garlic allergy includes skin rash, temperature and headaches. Garlic intolerance could result in Heartburn or Flatulence.

ü  It's important to remember that the effect of garlic on cold and flu comes from Allicin and this can be obtained from crushed, raw garlic and is destroyed by over cooking.
ü  Garlic cloves cooked whole have very little medicinal value.
ü  Garlic with strong smell has more Sulphur in it, which is good enough for medicinal purpose.

ü  Garlic helps to boost up our Metabolism rate. Thus help us to reduce our weight easily.
ü  Garlic helps reduce Atherosclerotic buildup (Plaque) within the arterial system.
ü  Garlic lowers or helps to regulate Blood Sugar.
ü  Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of Strokes.
ü  Garlic helps to prevent Cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevent certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.
ü  Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.
ü  Raw garlic is a proven natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.
ü  Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections in body parts.
ü  It helps to make our immune system stronger against cancer, ulcers, hemorrhoids etc

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